Long Live Pitman's Shorthand! Lessons 

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Lesson 8 Exercises




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Mary Reid took the path which led to Rocky Bay.

Valerie ate a raw peach at the village fair.

Ray King bought a red rug at the shop today.

We think Ray took the wrong road to the village.

They will have to get a long rope for the bull in the meadow.

Rob and Rosie wrote to the bank to ask for the charge rate.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Robbie and Barry may have to take the long route back.

Terry Rowe was making a rich living at the Red Bull pub.

They had to come to the shop to get a big party wreath.

Terry may have to rush the job at the factory today.

Can Barry Reid borrow the car for the victory parade?

Ask Perry to bake a pear and cherry cake for the party.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Get Carrie to go to the dairy to get milk for the meal.

The judge may ask the jury to see the bank form.

Gary can carry the bag and Barry can carry the food.

They may vary or remove the charge for the ferry.

We had a varied meal at the lunch date in the park.

They appear to have had a load of beer in the pub.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Terry read a book to Mark and Martha.

Take the torch and look for Laura in the garage.

Carrie married Terry and had a lovely wedding ring.

We think the doc may wish to see the birth of the baby.

Barry Murray carried the package to the garage.

The charity borrowed a car to get the food to the village.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

They have the authority to charge per day for the car park.

The four of them wish to go to America in a month or two.

The door was ajar and so cooler air came into the room.

If they come early, they will get a share of the cherry cake.

They may ask Barry to take the car for a day or two.

If the garage do the job in a day, we can fetch the car.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The pair of them got to the bar at four to have a sherry.

Ask them at the bank to check the bill error thoroughly.

It was a big error for Jack to take an arm off the gate.

The vet saw the dog which had an alarming tear in the ear.

They will be going on a tour of America in a month.

Larry had a jam jar of money to give to the charity.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

They have the wrong gear for going on a tour of the park.

It was a chore for them to repair the gear on the car.

The room was big and airy but the park was far away.

Take the form to the garage at four on Monday.

The bank may make a charge for the borrowed money.

Repair the gear or the car may veer off the road.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The boat was on the sea and had to rush to get to the shore.

The roar was a big bear in a lair deep in the wood.

The big ship was on the roaring sea all day.

The colour of the top of the cake was red and yellow.

Tom Miller was a tailor for the village folk.

Jack Taylor was the miller in the village.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The earth on the arid peak was a red colour.

We know the rock can erode year on year.

They will remove the door and remake the tall arch.

Do urge Jerry to take your car to the garage tomorrow.

They say Gary was an arty but erratic lad.

Ask Mary to make the party cake firmer.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

3We fear the rare book may already have a tear on the back.

1The large army of the enemy appear to be in uproar.

2They will have to debar Larry and ask him to leave.

The book was rare but the large cup was much rarer.

We can see the rear of the car in the mirror.

Are they aware of the change in the rate of pay?


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We are going to Italy in a month to see Rome.

Jerry had a bank career which paid a big yearly wage.

The lawyer rang us hourly to ask for the form.

The rim of the cup was a dull yellow colour.

We saw the ram which was roaming the farm for food.

We took a room at the pub which was large and airy.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

They will have to thank the lady for the party money.

We thanked the lad for doing a fair job on the car in an hour.

Our year at the bank was a job they may wish to have too.

They should ring the garage tomorrow and ask for Barry.

We know whose dog it was and think they will get it a lead.

Ask them whose chore it was to repair the car door.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Are the bank going to charge them?

Are the team ready for the game on Monday?

Are we going to take a monthly wage for the job?

Who are we going to get to come to the party?

We are going to go to the farm tomorrow.

We are at the garage and we are going to pay them.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We are the team who will beat them at the game.

They think we may have a long day on the job today.

Do thank the lady for the tea and birthday cake.

We have thanked the team for the victory in the game.

They thanked the kid for going to the shop for them.

Have we thanked the chef for making the meal?


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The bank have thanked the team for the repair job.

We think they should have bought a rear mirror for the car.

The name of your dog on the farm was Shep.

The colour of your car was red and the door was yellow.

They may have to repair the door of your room.

Take the food to your family in the pub room.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Talk to your dog Robbie and get him to bark.

Get the car to your garage and have them repair it.

We think we should thank Mary for your birthday cake.

We have given them the bill for your meal.

It will be easy to do the door repair for your mum.

Billy, Teddy and Paul wrote the book of the year in a month.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Paula was paid up to the year she took the pub job.

We know the name of the team of the year.

They may give them the money for the year today.

We have to make up a repair bill for the year tomorrow.

The firm had a big rate of error in the year.

We know they have had much money in the year.


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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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