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Lesson 15 Exercises





Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We have four pieces of cake for the kids today.

We have many spaces in the road to park the cars.

You must take the buses if you have no bike to ride.

He has had all his doses to help him in his long illness.

The dog dozes in the sun by the back door of the houses.

If the kid chooses a toy we can get it for his birthday.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

You must take the juices to your picnic on the beach.

The seller had many cases of books on his stall.

Our business is a big success now we have the new offices.

The boy said he misses the dogs they had in the past.

All these farm noises are keeping me awake.

The bear senses the coming of autumn in the forest.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

This boy just lazes in the house all day long.

I will tie the shoe laces for her as she is too small to do it.

He always goes to the races and loses money on the horses.

The pulley raises the ship out of the sea.

We have bought many houses in this big city.

This book has many uses for those who read it all.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I insist on taking them out for a meal tomorrow.

They insist on coming to my house for tea on Sunday.

I shall be happy to know if these things exist.

I must resist all this delicious cherry cake today.

He put the emphasis on the kids reading the books.

You must emphasise to them they have to come soon.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The boss emphasised the high cost of doing the job.

He is always emphasising how high his wages are.

The synthesis of this item is going to be discussed today.

We can now synthesise all these things in the factory.

They have had success in synthesising the new foods.

The new food was synthesised in the Texas lab.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

He wrote a synopsis of how the farm raised the animals.

He has read all the synopses of the jobs they have had.

The officer took a census of who was living in the villages.

We saw smoke coming out of the car exhaust pipe.

All this reading for the tests is so exhausting for us.

She said taking the dogs out always exhausts her.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We are so happy to hear of Jack’s successes in his exams.

We have had many big successes in our careers.

Danny does all his daily exercises in the office gym.

Sue exercises the dog in the park in her lunch time.

This book emphasises the effects of never sleeping enough.

We have copies of all the censuses for past years.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I possess a car and bike to get into the city each day.

Bill possesses a horse which he keeps on the farm.

I know possessing money is the aim of loads of folks.

We shall ask Billy if we can get access to the back office.

If the customer accesses his money, he can buy the items.

They think accessing the ceiling is going to be easy.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The kids have an hour recess for them to eat and rest.

The recesses are seldom used for reading.

He will be recessing the design into the wood for us.

He will incise the name on the face of the stone.

Ensure she incises it using the right spelling.

She is incising it now so it will be ready tomorrow.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

They say he is a possessive fellow who likes his money.

She spoke possessively on the things she has in her house.

I am the possessor of a rare book on history.

The data is easily accessible if you know how to get it.

If a form recedes, or goes back, we say it is recessive.

His talk was excessive in its use of slang forms of speech.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

He may have used excessive force on the door.

He does eat excessively and we know he will get ill.

She was excessively upset at the things he said to her.

Her talk to the staff was far too incisive and upsetting.

She is always speaking so incisively to them.

It is a fallacy to say we can notice all the fallacies.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The car policy is in the box in which I keep all my policies.

The poor folk are talking of the mercies they receive.

The lessees have to pay the money for the house today.

I saw Lucy’s kids in the park looking at Lizzie’s dog.

I know Rosie’s mum and I also know Nancy’s auntie.

We must have some tomato sauce on our food.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

These shoes are the wrong size for me, far too big.

The lady always sees all the things the kids do.

If the officer sees him, Joe is most likely to go and hide.

The sailor had a long life on the high seas.

The officer must seize the items which are in the bag.

I do hope they will cease all this noise soon.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We had a choice of sauces to put on our meals.

In Jack's new job he assesses the cost of the houses.

The customer says the sizes of the shoes are all wrong.

The kid seizes the food which is being given to him.

The boy seizes the dog by the neck to make it sit.

I do hope all the noise of the cars ceases soon.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The boy was so saucy and put his tongue out at us.

She is a sassy lady and always gets the things she desires.

We shall be visiting Assisi in Italy next year.

Our time at the beach was so-so, as the tide was in.

The kids always liked to sit on the see-saw.

They like see-saws and wish to have them at the house.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

As I stood at the village bus-stop I saw a house-sparrow.

They always misspell my name on the office forms.

I have to say this misspelling can be annoying at times.

He keeps a race-horse on the farm by the sea.

He said he thinks a doss-house is a cheap hotel.

Ask Joe Fitzhugh to get the package to me post-haste.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

He said the base of his new house is on solid rock.

The bases of those houses are also on firm rock.

I think the basis of your story is right.

The bases of Tom's stories are all wrong.

I lost my axe so I bought some new axes in the store.

The south axis is here and the two west axes are here.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I am going to the shops, as is my usual way on a Saturday.

We took the car as is, because we can fix things ourselves.

He is reading the books, as his exam is coming soon.

I have got my wages, as has James Smith.

He must stay in the house, as his dog is ill.

Josh has his exam answers all ready for tomorrow.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The colour of the house is as it was a long time ago.

This cherry pie is as big as I can make it.

I wish to know, is his birthday today or tomorrow?

My book is new but his has become yellowed and dirty.

My food is in a box but his is in a large bag.

My job is in the office and his is in the factory.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

They will enjoy themselves at the beach on Saturday.

The pool is ours so we can enjoy ourselves all day.

I will buy myself a book and he can buy himself some shoes.

The dog licked itself to get the dust out of its fur.

Do help yourself to some of those lovely cakes.

It’s a shame she thinks so lowly of herself.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

It’s a nice day today and it’s going to get sunny tomorrow.

It’s a long way to go to get to the park.

He said it’s going to be fairly easy to pay for the car.

I think it’s a job she can do if she wishes to.

It’s said the dog takes itself to the house for its food.

It’s amusing* to watch the dog as it sees itself in the mirror.


* Always insert the vowel sign in "amaze" and "amuse" and their derivatives


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

This is my house and this is the path to the pool.

This is the job you must do and this is the way to do it.

This city has loads of big offices to the south and west.

We are doing many jobs on houses in these cities.

We must read all the books on this subject.

Pam has exams coming soon on all these subjects.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We are now living in the city of New York in America.

America is a different name for the United States.

We are going to the United States of America next autumn.

Misses James and Page are in our office in San Francisco.

Mrs Bell is in New York but her office is in San Francisco.

Both of these are large cities in the United States.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The kids like to swap books so they can read different tales.

I am going to ask them to sweep the path of leaves.

They took a swab of his mouth to see if he had the disease.

It is no use swatting wasps, they will soon come back.

He is swotting for his big exams all next month.

If the guests arrive early, give them some sweets to eat.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I took a suite of rooms in the big hotel on Dale Road.

She was swayed by the low cost of the suede shoes.

He is reading a book on the Swedish language.

They had a swag bag in which to put the things they took.

He is a most suave chap who likes to go to parties.

My horse is the swiftest and the most healthy animal.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I have bought a nice Swiss watch in the sale.

A swizz is paying a high cost for a useless item.

He wrote his name and put a big swash at the bottom of it.

Her silk robe makes a swishing noise as she passes.

My fish swishes its tail as it swims in the pool.

The kids swam in the sea all the days of our holiday.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We saw a big swan swimming past the boats.

The kids may all swoon if they see the famous star on stage.

The big kids always like to swing on the gates.

The sailor was swinging the rope onto the jetty.

If you swallow the pill and this juice, it will be easy for you.

The dog has swallowed a piece of my cookie.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The swell on the sea was too big to go in for a swim.

I have said to them they must at no time swear in the office.

We think swearing is always the wrong thing to do.

I saw a swirl on the surface as all the fishes swam past.

Autumn soon came and the leaves swirled on the path.

We had a swarm of bees come into the house today.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Do come to the soirée we are holding next month.

I think you can sway him if you say he may get the job.

The money for this job may just sway me to take it on.

She got the job as she spoke Swahili easily.

I have a rosewood box which I will give to you tomorrow.

We have to go beneath the pass-way to get to the house.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We shall take the job, as we have loads of time to do it.

Jack is, as we know, ready to leave the office at any time.

We stayed in the hotel, as we had a day to spare.

We shall go to the park, as we can see the sun is out.

We enjoy our jobs, as we are getting paid a high salary.

Ask him to stay here, as we think we have a job for him to do.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Do take a book to read, as we may get delayed in leaving.

She is going to the city and I am going as well.

I am taking my books, as well as my camera.

We bought some books, as will be seen in the reading list.

As we have said, you must stay at the hotel for the meals.

If you write in this way, you will soon get fast at it.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I am going to Italy as soon as I can book the hotel.

Answer the customers as soon as they ask you for details.

We shall buy the house as soon as we have the money.

Write to the customer as soon as they ask for the forms.

They will tidy the room as soon as they get some boxes.

They always arrive home as soon as it is time to eat.


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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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