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Lesson 16 Exercises





Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I had to buy some new nails to repair the storage boxes.
I saw a snail eating the tomatoes in my veg patch.
The score of the ball game was nil for both sides.
In my job I only have to talk to the customers.
I shall go to the house unless you ask me to stay here.

I will have to borrow cash unless I can get to the bank.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They are holding the annual village show next Saturday.
We took our boat onto the canal for a long ride.
The customers are mainly going to buy sale items.
He was wrongly accused of robbing the bank.
You are strongly advised to ask for the forms at your bank.
I use money sparingly so I can save for the holidays.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
He jokingly said he will help us on Saturday as well.
If you ask nicely she will give you a box of sweets.
Pack the food in densely so we only use two boxes.
It is most unlike the council to pay for the repairs.
He is unlikely to ask the county council officer to visit us.

We saw the fossil of a dinosaur on the vessel in the canal.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The thistle has a pale mauve head and downy seeds.
The car was almost noiseless as it sped along the road.
The mouse goes noiselessly into its burrow in the bank.
If you step into the road, the cars may knock you senseless.

The council officers are businesslike though faceless.
He was voiceless, as he had to speak at five different times.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The staff have licence to go to the lessons on Wednesdays.
My boots are too loose but getting laces for them is elusive.

You must listen to the things Tom has to say.
If you loosen the ropes, the ship can sail away easily.
This looseness in your talk is losing you much business.
I will enslave myself to study and get some facility in this.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Thomas writes a column each month for the City Times.
We now have Calum on the staff to do the shop duties.
Having to use all the savings was a big calamity for them.
I am going to make a film on the hobbies I have.
I think they will have to stop filming as the day fades away.
We are going to visit Fulham to see all the shops.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Calum has bought a volume on the history of cinema films.
The volume of milk in the jug is now much less.
We have a voluminous cherry cake for all the kids.
The book in the cabinet was on vellum and had big pages.
The king wishes to know the length and width of his realm.

He can fulminate all he likes but they seldom see eye to eye.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The text is lacking the items which Alex said he has given us.
It was lax of Alex to allow them to go home so soon.
Olga has a nasty red wasp sting on her right leg.
The lame dog was resting by the big elm in the road.
You must laminate the pages to eliminate any damage.
It took a long time to go along the road to the bay.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Tony had to install the lino all alone last Monday.
If you are installing lino, you must align the edges.
Lenny says he is going to see Alan tomorrow.
Lena said she now has Elena on the staff to help her.
I think we are going to see much snow in Alaska.
Give this package to Joe Lasky at the bank.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I will lie on the couch, although I also like lying on the sofa.

I will allow them to go to the bank to get the allowance cash.
She is allowing them to stay in the office all day Saturday.
She is our ally and is likely to keep up the alliance for years.
She was ill last month but the illness is now all in the past.
He bought some oil and is now in the garage oiling his bike.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We never like the food they have because of its oiliness.
He is never slack in his new job at the City Bank.
She is selling loads of the new stock items to the customers.
We enjoy sitting in the stillness of the dusk hours.
The dog was stealing food out of the large bowl.
The swelling on my arm was because of the wasp sting.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Jack may fail to file the items in the right box.
I fell asleep on the sofa, full of my meal of soup and cakes.
It was just awful to see how the car came off the icy road.
Follow the car and ask the fellow to come and speak to us.
The staff are fully aware of how to do the jobs.
The chef is making loads of sweet filo packages for us.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Tim said it was awfully chilly and windy at the beach today.

I am going to be successful in my exams.
I will successfully pass them all fairly easily.
These tools are so useful for doing the repair job.
We may usefully take on several new staff to do this for us.
It is false to say he was unaware of these things.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
It is also a falsity to say he spoke falsely in the case.
My mum’s name is Felicity which is a happy name.
The vole lives in a small hole in the muddy bank.
The kids are enjoying volley ball on the beach.
Velocity is a different way to say how fast it is.
The Vale of Mists is a lovely valley by the seaside.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
It was to no avail, as he spoke on the value of saving.
Beth saw the vile kid pulling up the violas in the park.
The park is on a level and has some lovely paths.
I will go by rail to see the historic car rally.
I bought a roll to eat but I rely on the cook to make soup.
I had to yell at the car to stop at the yellow sign.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I have some skill in doing this easy subject.
The fish had shiny scales and the snake was also scaly.
The boy was a rascal, always doing wrong things.
We are all aware of the kid’s rascally ways.
Fiscal affairs are on the subject of money and revenue.
We are, fiscally speaking, having to do much on less.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Your job is filing the receipts in the filing cabinet.
It is autumn and all the red and yellow leaves are falling.

The council is failing in its duty to pay for the repairs.
The council put up a notice on dog fouling in the road.
They are availing themselves of the time they now have.
The council are now levelling the new car park.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We are going to put some railings along the edge of the path.
We saw the ball rolling along the side of the road.
It is no use yelling at him, he will only keep doing it.
I saw the lads scaling the tall tower using long ropes.
I followed the bus all the way to the bus-stop by the pub.
My family valued the time they had at the wedding.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We saw no falseness in the things he said to us.

The pages of the book are all yellowed because of its age.
We are going to stop all this vileness in the films.
The ditch along the path was full of foul rubbish.
He spoke most foully on his time in the army.
She was a vile lady and spoke most vilely all the time.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
He was always servile and bowing most servilely to the king.
Jack has many skills but Joe seems to be skill-less.
Fish in the sea have scales but shop fish are scale-less.
Although it was sunny, the forest was nice and cool.
He is going to march coolly in and ask for his money back.
A guileless lady never allows a lie to pass her lips.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They ate a whole loaf for lunch on Monday.

He is solely in charge of the staff at head office.
I am wholly for you and your party’s speeches.
I have a big hole in the toe of my new red socks.
I am never going to go out if I have holey socks.
He read the Holy Book to the village folk each Sunday.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They will visit us tomorrow and this will make us all happy.
I think this will make a big change at the factory.
If they will come, this will help the staff to do the job.
She is going home and I know this will be the right thing to do.
We saw a nice house for sale in South Road.
She is asking if those shoes in the shop window are for sale.


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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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