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Lesson 24 Exercises






Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I have accepted the offer for the sale of my house.

They were afraid that the storm would damage the building.

We have had to pay ever-increasing prices for the food.

We invited every club member to Monday’s meeting.

The average rate of pay here has risen in the past month.

We are certainly in favour of getting some new tools.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The author of this book is going to sign copies for us today.

We do have other things to do today to keep us busy.

You can either go to the store or you can stay in the house.

An usher helps visitors and customers as they arrive.

Miss Fisher came into the shop for some blusher.

The fissures in the rocks were quite narrow.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The closure of the shops in the high street is quite alarming.

The exposure in this pale photo was far too long.

In my leisure hours I watched the birds in the park.

The kids think they might dig up treasure on the beach.

Can you measure the length and width of the room?

I will call the plumber to fix the leak in the bathroom.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

A creamer is a small lidded jug for cream.

I am glad that the days are now much warmer.

We heard a rumour that jobs would be lost.

I need a hammer and some nails to repair this bench.

They will be giving him an award in honour of his success.

The inner room of the building had lots of glass cabinets.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I was looking for a large spanner in my toolbox.

He works as a cleaner in a large office block.

I have a trainer who helps me to get fit for the races.

The fields are greener now that we have had some storms.

The job may be ordinary but good manners are necessary.

They have booked a summer holiday on a liner.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Your money is safer in the bank's saver scheme.

We are not happy to suffer all this annoyance every day.

The sailor had to sever the rope attached to the boat.

We are going to enjoy our summer break on the coast.

The food for the meal was simmering on the hob.

Beth said she would sooner have a job as a designer.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The jet is going to fly to America in two hours.

The plumber said we have no flow in the pipes.

I lifted the flap and saw what was underneath the floor.

During November we had severe floods in this city.

Large flakes of snow were falling out of the sky.

We have made a close study of the flora in the forest.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The fields are flat and make good grazing for the horses.

The autumn leaves were floating on the calm lake.

We were so glad to see the arrival of the guests at last.

Our travel was fairly easy and we were not late.

These unusual problems are going to baffle them.

The double glazing muffles the sound of the cars and buses.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

He used the old wood to make a panel for the door.

The railway tunnel that goes under the hill is quite long.

We crossed the Channel in a large liner ship.

I was glad when the final days of my tests came.

I knew that finally I was at the end of my studies.

This book is quite original in the way it tells the story.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The evil lad would avail himself of opportunities to steal.

The meal was awful and the cook was awfully sorry.

The robber has repeated his denial that he hid in the tunnel.

The boxer started to pummel the punch bag rapidly.

To trammel is to hold back or to catch as in a net.

A runnel is a small brook or channel for water.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I made them a soufflé to go with the meal.

He spoke in a civil manner to the people in the shop.

To civilise is to come to live like the citizens in a city.

The era of farming had a civilising effect on the people.

This paper is too stiff to get into the envelope.

I added less milk to make the cake mix stiffer.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We never wish to stifle the kids as they enjoy the games.

All these new laws are stifling the growth of our businesses.

Bob had a stammer in his speech which made him shy.

The vet had to stun the tiger so he could catch it.

She is quite a stunner in the things she wears to the parties.

Stanley said that the summer heat was stifling.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

I saw a big black stain on the back of the jacket.

The worst stainer I know is blackberry juice.

They had given the name Bethel to the tiny village.

The city name of Athol is in several places on the map.

We visited Seville when we were on holiday last month.

I spoke to my auntie Ethel about the books last week.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The shop said they had offered customers the money back.

The city suffered flooding during the big storm last week.

The lightning had severed many of the tree branches.

The teacher favoured those kids who sat still and listened.

I have authored a book about the skill of flying.

Thomas measured out the water and milk for the cakes.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

She said that she simmered the soup for a whole hour.

Matthew hammered the nails into the floor to repair it.

The hall was bannered with flags of every state.

He was an ill-mannered fellow who talked too much.

I am honoured to be invited to speak at this meeting.

They have tunnelled under the city to make a new railway.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

She channelled all her time into her studies on business.

The storm was funnelled by the hills into the valley.

We have travelled all the way here to see you.

The cook used the flour to make lots of goodies for the party.

The lady picked the flowers and made them into bunches.

We like our flowering cherry tree with its spring blossoms.




Pitman's New Era Shorthand

We are not going to see them nor are we going to write.

I have bought a house near to my work place.

I am the owner of the little red car in the car park.

We would like to have more customers coming in every day.

She made a remark to the teacher about the lessons.

He remarked that the food in the pub was too dear.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Mr Smith is quite short, with blue eyes and brown hair.

I need to be sure that these tools are strong enough.

It gives me huge pleasure to speak to you all today.

The room looks out over the bay and the village below.

It is, however, a more costly room because of the views.

As the dog came nearer, I could see its name tag.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

It was nearly five when our visitors finally arrived.
I shall shortly go to the nearest supermarket to buy food.
Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year.
We are nearing the end of our stay in this city.
As the bus neared, we could clearly see what number it was.
Our new boss in the office is a mere forty years old.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

He was merely asking what he should do about the mail.
If you have the merest little problem, please let me know.
You surely have to study for more hours to pass that test.
That is the surest way to succeed in your studies.
She said she is not able to give any surety for this debt.
I am unsure if I should take that new job.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Our time visiting you all last week was most pleasurable.
She could not hide her displeasure at paying the hotel bill.
I think that overall our business has made a success of it.
She was overly fussy about having a tidy desk.
We have now overcome all these difficulties.
She overcame her shyness and enjoyed the party.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The teacher said that he would have to re-mark all the papers.

The family think that everything here is quite extraordinary.

He is a remarkable lad who was a big success in our school.

He was remarkably calm when they told him the news.

I am more or less obliged to take out a mortgage.

He mortgaged his existing house to buy a different house.


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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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