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Lesson 30 Exercises




Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We went up to the upper floor for the meal.
On the upper floor we had a nice supper.
I have a new app on my phone.
I ate a red apple off the tree that I grew.
The branches are supple and thin.
I get a good supply of apples to store.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We shall have to pay the bill for the meal.
He is going to pray for the people.
I shall have to spray my roses this year.
I always pay my bills in good time.
The kids can play in the park today.
The legs of this table are beginning to splay.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I have one pie and she has two pies.
This is the tallest pine among all the pines.
I bought one pint but needed two more pints.
My pay at work pays all my household bills.
I still have one pain but the other pains have gone.
I need a tin of paint but the shop had many paints.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I will pave this path if he paves that path.
In the end both paths were paved.
I saw a puff of smoke and then more puffs.
The runner puffed heavily at the end of the race.
The bird’s middle toe is bigger than its other toes.
The going is tough and I hope he toughs it out.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I saw a large tuft of grass amongst the smaller tufts.
This fee is much bigger than your other fees.
Last Sunday was a fine sunny day.
The officer gave out lots of fines in the car park.
I find things on the shore and put my finds in a box.
They always vie to be the first to get home.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

If he vies, he is striving, as in a race.
I picked loads of grapes off my big vine.
The field was full of grape vines on wires.
We saw a big event going on in the field.
These events always attract the crowds.
I took a photo of the ray of sunlight on the window.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The sun’s rays take about eight minutes to reach us.
The rain has now set in for the day.
It always rains quite hard at this time of year.
My rent is low but my family’s rents are high.
To rend means to tear up or divide.
She always rends her dress in the bushes.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The next day I bought a new tray for the kitchen.
We must not stray into the thick woods.
It was a strain working at that job.
The dog always strains at the leash on our walks.
I strained the tomatoes to make a soup.
You must restrain those dogs when they come here.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
He never restrains his dogs on the farm.
He restrained himself when the cookies were put out.
The game is to spin the coins on the table.
The coin spins off the edge of the table.
She had a large splint on her leg.
The splints are used to help the bones mend.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I think Pa is going to pass the house quite soon.
Take the pan and put it with the other pans.
I had to prune the branches off the tree.
Billy usually prunes the shrubs for me.
This plan is the best of all my plans.
I wish to plant some roses amongst the other plants.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The enemy supplants or forces out the king.
I saw a big crow fighting the other crows.
The king’s new crown is better than the old crowns.
The king was crowned in a big ceremony.
The soil on the farm is mainly clay.
He worked as a clown in a circus.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
He went to a school for clowns.
She clowned around with her mates.
Today is quite grey and rainy.
They put all the grain in the barn.
He says eating grains is good for his health.
The wood has a grained appearance.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
It was a grand wedding with lots of guests.
We are seeking a grant to build a house.
They give grants to people to make repairs.
I have grown some tomatoes for us to eat.
The ground is quite good in this field.
The grounds of the hotel were laid to lawn.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I drew a graph to show the profits over the year.
We have several graphs to show at the meeting.
I took some photographs at the wedding.

I will take photographs of everything.
Hard graft is a way to say hard work.
He made grafts on the plants to increase his stock.

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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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