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Lesson 32 Exercises




Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They were fashioning pots out of the pieces of clay.
The man was motioning to them to leave the room.
We had many people auditioning for a part in the play.
The citizens of the city were petitioning for action.
We shall be stationing our officers outside the building.
My job was captioning all the photos in the albums.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The staff are actioning these new rules immediately.
They said that vacationing in that hotel would be good.
We heard the officer cautioning the people in the car.
Our guest speaker may be mentioning the subject in his talk.
The firm has decided it will be pensioning them off.
The machine is now repaired and fully functioning.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
The guard stationed himself at the door of the building.
We have cautioned the two men who were driving the car.
The thick blanket cushioned the hard wooden seat.
He fashioned a bench out of all the old pieces of wood.
They had envisioned having to send a car out to fetch them.
The police officer motioned to the people to move away.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Dad thinks his car has functioned as a kids' taxi for years.
At the meeting they mentioned the new price plans.
They have pensioned off all those over the age of sixty.
He has tensioned the cables so that the fence is secure.
We think that this man is entirely ill-intentioned.
The ruling party has sanctioned the use of force in this case.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They dislike those men and shun them every time they pass.
The customers are shunning our sales at present.
The group felt they were being shunned by the staff.
The engine began to shunt the carriages along the track.
We bought a yacht so we can travel the oceans all year.
They prefer to eat Asian food when they visit that hotel.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
That method of washing may harshen the feel of the cloth.
We went out in the sunshine in our lunch break.
The moonshine lit up the waters of the lake.
They had a tour of the ancient buildings in the city.
The patients were talking in a passionate way about things.

Thank you for your patience as we deal with this issue.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
I have several valuable old books in my possession.
I have gained a position in the sales section at head office.
His proposition was that we should all go out together.
We had much opposition to our plans to increase prices.
He has a fairly calm disposition despite his workload.
We have made the decision to take on more staff.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
This was certainly an unfair accusation that they made.
The losses were caused by a succession of difficult years.
The level of taxation on wages left them with less to spend.
I went to see my physician about some health issues.
My cousin is a musician in a famous orchestra.
We are working on the optimisation of our factory methods.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
We have now finished the modernisation of the building.
They resorted to improvisation during the school play.
We noticed a shaking sensation as we drove the new car.
I was not pleased with the cessation of the advice service.
We think that specialisation is going to lead to success.
We learned about the advances made in that civilisation.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Under the present dispensation, we have to follow the rules.
It will be a slow transition to this new way of working.
All the positions for new musicians have now been filled.
We have made decisions on how to reply to the accusations.
The army made a positional change in its troops.
The newspaper had a sensational story about the film stars.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They positioned the new desks under the windows.
The lady was propositioned as she walked down the street.
We have repositioned the notices around the factory.
We felt that the positioning of the lights was not the best.
The lawyer accused the man of propositioning the lady.
We shall be repositioning the machine to a safer place.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
They said the satisfaction of the customers was a priority.
They have no justification for all these price rises.
This report is full of generalisations as well as errors.
We are going to organise a day out at the beach.
Last week they organised a staff day out to the nearby park.
I have written many times to this organisation.

Pitman's New Era Shorthand

The police are making an investigation into what happened.
You must work on familiarisation with the facts for the test.
This part of the firm is under the jurisdiction of Mr Smith.
The police are going to investigate the fire at the store.
The firm organises trips across the Atlantic Ocean.
The other organiser does cruises on the Pacific Ocean.

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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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