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Lesson 46




Disjoined M, and the words with this prefix only have the above three short vowels:


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magnifier magnification magnificent


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magnitude magnanimous magnetise magnetisation

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demagnetise unmagnetised magnetometer magnetron but magnet in full

Note: See below for Contraction "magnetic/tism"

In full where it is not a prefix, and all these have other vowels after the -gn-:

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magnum magnate magnolia


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magnesium magnesia Magnus


Doubled N with no vowel sign:


introduce introductory introspection introvert


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
introduce introductory introspection introvert


See below for contraction “introduction”



Words starting "inter-" do have a vowel, as they are using a normal doubled stroke, not requiring a special prefix.

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intercept interfere interlude


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interview international interpreter

Words starting intra- use normal strokes:

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intravenous intramuscular intramural


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transaction transcend transfusion transferee


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transverse transit transition transistor transfix

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* transformation*

* Optional Contractions

The trans- prefix omits N, generally before P M L, and to allow the use of hooks:

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transpose transpire transport


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transplant transmit transmission transmitter

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translate translation translator transfer


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In full: transept transom

(D) Distinguishing Outlines

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transcribe transcription transcriptions transcript

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describe description descriptions
* discourse

*Full outline for the plural so that it does not look like "discourse"




Generally halved L where it joins well, otherwise full L and T strokes:


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multiply multiplication multiplicity multitude


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multi-coloured multilateral




"Anti" means against, "ante" means before, they have the same pronunciation.


Halved N, so long as the second vowel of the prefix can be shown:


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antibiotic antibody antitoxin anti-tank


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antidote anticlockwise anticlimax antipathy


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anti-personnel Antipodes anti-aircraft antiphony


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antedate antenatal ante-room

Full N and T strokes, where necessary:


To ensure second vowel of the prefix can be shown before a circle S:


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anticipate anticipation anticyclone antiseptic


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antacid antisocial antecedent anti-Semitic


To enable the prefix to join:


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antihistamine antimacassar antirrhinum


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Note: antithesis antithetical as joining a halved N would be unclear



Where the word is not a negative, these are represented by a small curl before the circle, and the initial I sound is not shown in any way:

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instruct instructor instrument inscriber inscroll

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inhale inhaler inhalant inherent


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inherit inheritance inheritor

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inhabit inhabitant inhibit inhibition


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Note: heritage heritor inharmonious

When these prefixes are negative, the small hook is not distinctive enough when written at speed, considering the word has the opposite meaning, so full stroke N is used to keep it clear which is meant:

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inscrutable inhospitable inhumane* inhuman*

* Always insert the vowel after the M in these two, to differentiate


The curl+circle device above is not used in any other combination, all other in- and un- prefixes use the N stroke:

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insecure insincere insubordinate


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unstable insufferable unspecified

Other similar prefixes repeat the stroke, or change to downward R or L, where they are a derivative. This is the most reliable way to ensure the difference is always obvious, rather than rely solely on the presence or absence of a vowel sign, especially as most of them are taking on the opposite meaning:


Repeat the stroke:

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moderate immoderate, material immaterial,

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mature immature, immovable immaculate

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immeasurable immodest immobile immortal

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* migrate emigrate immigrate


* The dash sign is the intervening vowel between the second M stroke and its R Hook

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innumerable innoxious innocuous


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unnecessary unnoticed unnatural unknown

Where they are not part of a pair, there is no need to repeat the stroke:

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immense imminent immersion immerse


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immune innovation innocent innocently innate*


* Not part of a pair, but two N strokes to make the outline easier to recognise


These are mostly negative prefixes and occur in pairs. Where possible, L is changed to downward L, and Ray changed to Ar:


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relevant irrelevant, reconcilable irreconcilable


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replaceable irreplaceable, reproachable irreproachable


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resistible irresistible, retrievable irretrievable

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limited illimited (unlimited)

Where that is not possible, another stroke is added:


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legal illegal, literate illiterate


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logical illogical, legitimate illegitimate

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licit illicit, rational irrational

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refutable irrefutable, revocable irrevocable


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remediable irremediable*, radiate irradiate**


* The outline changes to the MD stroke, to avoid further downstrokes


** Part of a pair, although not a negative


Where they are not negatives and therefore not part of a pair, there is no need to repeat the stroke:

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irritate irrigation illuminate illustration illusion illusory


(K) Short Forms

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instruction instructive inscribe-d inscription



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inscribing inscriber


regular irregular irresponsible-ility sensible-ly-ility

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efficient-ly-cy sufficient-ly-cy introduction magnetic/magnetism



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regularly irregularly inefficient-ly-cy insufficient-ly-cy


  • Magn- Words with short A E I using this prefix

  • Intro- Doubled N stroke

  • Multi- Halved L, or full L and T, as necessary for the join

  • Anti- Halved N, or full N and T, as necessary to be able to insert the second vowel

  • Imm- Inn- Unn- Generally repeat the first stroke, used for pairs

  • Irr- Ill- Repeat or change the first stroke, used for pairs


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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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